Friday, September 7, 2012

Answering Your Down Syndrome Questions

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Having a child is a huge responsibility. Even before the child is born there are things that expectant parents must do to ensure that their child is safe. But there are occasions and conditions that cannot be avoided. Down syndrome is not picky on what infant it strikes. It does not know socioeconomic barriers and there is no cure.

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How is Answering Your Down Syndrome Questions

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But there is hope for that child and his or her parents. Unlike the past, many children with this genetic disorder can still lead fulfilling lives. Thanks to new medicine options and available education, parents can help their child make it in this world. This description will cover some of the basics of this disorder and hopefully shed a puny light on any questions you may have.

How do doctors identify it genetically?

While a woman is pregnant there are ways to decree if Down syndrome is present. The first test is a habit prenatal screening to detect a wide range of disorders. If the test comes back clear for Down's syndrome, the mum has the choice of having an amniocentesis performed.

During this course a needle is inserted into the abdomen and amniotic fluid is taken. The doctors can then test specifically for the disorder. The amazing sign of Down's syndrome is the nearnessy of a 21st chromosome.

What are some characteristics of Down syndrome children?

There are clear characteristics that are related with Down syndrome individuals. Their corporeal appearance will be similar. There will be a slanting of the eyes, a round face and often a distended tongue that can make speech difficult.

Often the individual will have poor muscle tone and can even have white flecks on the iris called Brushfield spots. Some of the characteristics will not be immediately clear such as congenital heart defects, sleep apnea and more space in the middle of the big toe and the rest of the toes. Unfortunately having Down's syndrome also means having a degree of reasoning retardation.

Does a Down syndrome child need specialized care?

Yes, most Down syndrome children will need specialized care. The child may have a speech question and need to work with a speech therapist. The child may have poor muscle tone and have to work with a corporeal therapist. If there are emotional barriers, the parents have to work with the child to help them adjust to school and distinct emotional situations that may arise.

Many Down's syndrome children have corporeal problems that have to be constantly monitored such as congenital heart defects. With the right medicine and care the child can learn to be full functioning as an adult. Some individuals with this genetic condition can even live by themselves and hold down jobs. It is even possible for them to marry and have a family.

How severe is the retardation related with Down syndrome?

The reasoning retardation related with Down syndrome varies from child to child. It can be quite pronounced with a reasoning Iq of less than 35. Mild retardation is classified by an Iq score of 50-70. The only way to find out the extent of the child's reasoning facilities is straight through testing. Some parents want to know and others prefer not to branch their children to added testing just to classify the reasoning abilities.

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